Internet Use Policy
- Use of Internet workstations is specifically intended for and is restricted to educational purposes.
- Use of Internet workstations is specifically intended for the students, faculty, staff, and officers of the University of Evansville.
- University friends, and visiting scholars and students are welcome to use available Internet workstations for educational purposes, but preference in use is always assigned to persons directly associated with the University of Evansville.
- Inappropriate use of Internet workstations is not tolerated. Use of Internet workstations which is deemed inappropriate by library personnel must cease immediately. Offenders who continue inappropriate use will be escorted from the area or the library facility whichever is deemed more appropriate.
- Use of Internet workstations is limited to time intervals of sixty (60) minutes. Courtesy in the use of Internet workstations is expected.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Bower-Suhrheinrich Library and Clifford Memorial Library